ADG as Pacesetter for United Way of Central Oklahoma

ADG employees kicked off their annual United Way campaign on October 4 and raised money throughout the month. The campaign is entirely employee driven and highlights various partner agencies and their impact on the central Oklahoma community. Some of those agencies include valued clients of ADG, such as City Care, NewView Oklahoma, NorthCare, Special Care and Sunbeam Family Services. Employees reacted to the moving stories of how those agencies affected positive change in the lives of many by signing up to give a portion of their paycheck every month to the United Way of Central Oklahoma. ADG has been a loyal United Way donor since 1998. In addition to employee donations, they also held a “Penny Wars” throughout the month culminating in the reward of attacking ADG CEO Tom Wilson with silly string at their November staff meeting. In total, the employees raised $8,767 for the United Way this October. ADG will also contribute a corporate gift to further the mission of United Way.

To donate to United Way of Central Oklahoma and learn more about their work in Oklahoma City please visit:

Nolan Wilds