Dezeen: Johnson Fain completes curvilinear First Americans Museum after decades of work

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Curved buildings and a massive earthen mound feature at a museum in Oklahoma that was designed by architecture studio Johnson Fain over two decades ago and is finally complete.

The First Americans Museum (FAM) aims to educate the public on the cultures and histories of the 39 Native American tribes that exist in Oklahoma today. It is located in the state's capital, Oklahoma City.

Built on a former oil field, the 280-acre (113-hectare) museum property includes multiple buildings, a large parking lot, and a sunken lawn ringed by a massive earthen berm. The Oklahoma River runs alongside the site.

The museum and master plan were designed by Johnson Fain, a studio based in Los Angeles. Oklahoma's Hornbeek Blatt Architects – now known as ADG|Blatt Architects – served as associate architect. The museum is managed by the American Indian Cultural Center Foundation.

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Nolan Wilds