Liturgical Arts Journal: New Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine Archdiocese of Oklahoma


A fascinating new shrine is under construction in Oklahoma City (Archdiocese of Oklahoma City).  It has been designed by our good friends at Franck & Lohsen Architects in Washington, D.C. with ADG as the associate architect, based in Oklahoma City.  The Spanish Mission style shrine will be dedicated to the memory of the martyred missioner priest, Blessed Stanley Rother (1935-1981), who will be entombed in the church for the public veneration of the faithful.  Meanwhile, his case for sainthood continues and his heart is entombed at his parish in Guatemala.

Fr. Rother was priest from Oklahoma who was ordained in 1963 after studies at Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland.  He was martyred in Guatemala in 1981.  In 2017 he was beatified, recognized as having died "in odium fidei," the first US-born priest officially declared a martyr.  Fr. Rother lived and worked in Guatemala for many years as a full-time missionary, never abandoning his flock, even though his life was threatened and came under immanent danger by Marxist terrorists who eventually took his life and remain at large to this day.

While growing up in the Twin Cities the author of this article heard more than one sermon from Archbishop Harry J. Flynn about the sanctity and virtuous character of Fr. Rother.  Archbishop Flynn had come to know Stanley Rother rather well through their association at Mount St. Mary's Seminary where they met in the late 1950's and became very good friends.  Flynn was later appointed the rector.  The two remained in touch and Archbishop Flynn gave testimony of the personal holiness and heroic virtue of the priest-martyr.  A video can be seen here of Archbishop Flynn's testimony.

The new 2,000 seat church will be the largest church in the Archdiocese, where future diocesan events will be held.  Further, it will be a hub of Hispanic ministry.  The center of the shrine design is the beautiful Spanish baroque church with fitting dome.  In front of the shrine will be a zocalo plaza surrounded by a covered arcade in the style of a cloister walk.  Other buildings on the shrine campus will include a large event hall for shrine activities and gatherings.  Classrooms will also be included along with meeting rooms.  Further, there will be a pilgrim center, museum, and gift shop.

Read the full article here.