st. anthony neurology clinic
St. Anthony Neurology Clinic
The St. Anthony Neurology Clinic was designed to accommodate the growing need for patient care in Midtown Oklahoma City. The new facility, previously inside the nearby St. Anthony Hospital complex, includes space for six neurologists, exam rooms, three procedures rooms, a staff fitness room, administration, patient waiting and surface parking for patients and their families. The first phase included finish-out on the first floor with space efficient design, while the upper floor is for tenants. The second floor includes a corner terrace with views of the Oklahoma downtown skyline to the southeast.
Construction is steel with plaster and Hardie board siding, and aluminum window systems are low-e glass for thermal efficiency. The project was approved by the Oklahoma City Downtown Design Review Commission for a design that sensitively blends into its neighborhood, one that has benefited from strong revitalization efforts and investments for the past decade.