The MAPS 3 Sidewalks and Trails project is a significant public improvement initiative aimed at enhancing pedestrian and recreational infrastructure in Oklahoma City., ADG Blatt’s role as program consultant ensured the effective implementation and management of the project's various components.

The Sidewalks initiative, with a budget of $18.1 million, is designed to foster a more pedestrian-friendly environment across the city. These sidewalks, strategically located in high-demand areas, align with the city's broader efforts to promote walkability and are fully compliant with relevant standards. This project complements previous sidewalk construction efforts funded by the 2007 general obligation bond issue and underscores the community's ongoing support for essential infrastructure improvements. Construction is currently ongoing, with detailed location maps available for reference.

In parallel, the Trails component of the project, budgeted at $39.5 million, is part of Oklahoma City's Trails Master Plan, aimed at expanding the city's extensive trail network. This includes the completion of the West River Trail in 2015, which connects the Oklahoma River Trails to the Lake Overholser Trails, and subsequent projects like the I-44 West Trail and the Lake Draper Trail. These trails traverse various landscapes, from wetlands and wooded areas to urban settings, providing residents with enhanced active transportation and recreational options. Managed by the OKC Parks Department, the trails project promotes a healthier, more active lifestyle by leveraging the city's natural beauty.

ADG Blatt’s involvement as the program manager is critical to the project's success. Their comprehensive management approach includes strategic planning, resource allocation, and stakeholder communication, ensuring that both the Sidewalks and Trails projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the community’s high expectations. Through their leadership, ADG Blatt helps transform Oklahoma City’s infrastructure, making it more pedestrian and recreation-friendly for all residents.


Trails: $39.5M

Sidewalks: $18.1M

West River Trail completed in 2015

Will Rogers Trail completed in 2018

Lake Draper Trail completed in 2019

Katy Trail and Air Depot Trail completed in 2024