The MAPS 3 OKC Streetcar project serves as a pivotal connection between the new Convention Center, MAPS 3 Park, and key urban districts including Midtown, Bricktown, Automobile Alley, and the Central Business District. As the program consultant, ADG Blatt played an integral role in overseeing the project’s development, ensuring its alignment with the city’s vision for a dynamic and efficient transportation system. This streetcar system, completed in 2018, features a 4.8-mile track providing a sustainable and accessible transit solution.

ADG Blatt’s expertise was crucial in coordinating between the various stakeholders, including Jacobs Engineering, who provided engineering and architectural services, and contractors Herzog/Stacy and Witbeck, along with Wynn Construction. The project, with a budget of $135 million, also includes a 20,000 square foot Storage and Maintenance Facility located at SW 7th Street and Hudson Avenue, supporting the operational needs of the streetcar system. With EMBARK set to manage operations, the OKC Streetcar is poised to enhance connectivity and support the growth of Oklahoma City’s urban core.


Budget: $135M

Completed in 2018

4.8 mile track

20,000 SF Storage Maintenance Facility

Project Team

Jacobs Engineering – Engineer, Architect

Herzog/Stacy and Witbeck – Contractor

Wynn Construction – Contractor